Life on EZ Mode:
How to Consistently Find Moonshots Early (All Without Breaking a Sweat)

DeFi Chads
3 min readAug 5, 2022


We have all been there — your “FREN” shares a project and you see it’s already at $500,000 marketcap and 20x for early buyers. You’re convinced that you will just be exit liquidity, so decide to skip and invest that money into Onlyfans instead. Two weeks later, a morbid curiosity comes over you. Loading up CoinGecko, you see the it sitting at $10,000,000 marketcap. Once again, you’ve faded a 20x.

The good news, fellow Chads, is that have the solution.

See, the difference between getting a 20x and being exit liquidity is found in the small margins. Some call this a trader’s “edge”.

But how do you get an edge over the competition?

Let us show you how.

Get a Drop on the Competition

One of the best tools you can use to get ahead of the herd is EtherDrops.

Etherdrops is a Telegram bot that follow coins/wallets/NFTs/pools and notifies you if there are any changes.

So why would we use Etherdrops? Well, throughout our crypto careers we have spotted several great traders who are consistently early at good launches. This could be luck, or it could be skill — for the most part, we don’t really care. All we want to do is keep an eye on them to make sure we get in early as well.

“BuT YoU wiLL AlwaYS Be lATe!”

That’s just not true — you will be later than the absolute CHAD with 10 bots and 48 hours in a day. But on the other hand doesn’t it feel great to buy one minute later than this guy?

Turning 284$ into 710,000 during bear
Actual footage of our Etherdrops setup

Think of yourself as the small fish, latching itself on to the whale in order to gain speed through the water.

Is it Hard to Setup the Bot?

Yes and no.

Setting up the bot itself can be done in <15 minutes with minimal technical ability.

However, the hard bit is finding great and active traders to add to your set up.

That’s why we spent months gathering information and adding top notch traders to our personal Etherdrops Tracking bot.

The good news is that we are going to make this list (and a more detailed guide) available for our course members in the coming weeks.

There are less than 20 spaces available from the original 50, so if you want to join the course make sure to fill in the form ASAP and we will get back to you: Microcap Trading Blueprint Application (



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