How to find new contracts early and catch a 100X — Bots edition

DeFi Chads
3 min readNov 1, 2022


GM Chads!

We have all been there — monitoring the market and seeing 10+ people ape the same token block 0 and realizing a 100X. Doing this without the proper knowledge and information you will end up being honeypotted or dumped on.

GIGA Chads just monitor New Contracts and ape accordingly — Check the Example below from New Ethereum Tokens

In this article we will provide you 3 free bots which scan for new contracts and give (some) safety whilst trying to snipe new listings.

We are going to look into the following bots:

General Overview:

We checked all the available metrics of the 3 bots and compared those. New Ethereum Tokens and TUF are really good in terms of making a decision to ape and to determine the limits of a contract (buy / sell / max wallet). TUF supports contract uniqueness which is great as well.

iToken is great to monitor new listings with less info but it allows you to also watch liquidity get added and it shows liquidity lock / renounce. I would rather use the other bots to scan new contracts in this case.

New Ethereum Tokens ( )

Would like to call this the new kid on the block, looks like this bot started ~ 2 months ago but it already caught some traction and has 260 members.

The available metrics are great to determine if you want to ape and which limits are set. Besides that it scans for socials and displays all the functions in the contract. Speedwise this bot is probably the fastest although it’s a matter of seconds. Talked to the Dev and he said contract uniqueness is coming as well. No advertising at this moment.

TUF ETH Contract Simulator ( )

Have been using this for quite some time — almost 3,000 others as well. The dev is based and he also developed other bots (snipers among them).

Most functions to determine if the new contract is safe are there, I’m just missing some kind of Socials scraper. The advertising is focused on cross selling the other bots which is actually valuable and not necessarily annoying in terms of clottering the chat.

iToken — Ethereum ( )

The largest channel among these 3 bots with over 9,000 users. The aesthetics of the post with the image on top are a pro in my eyes. It takes some space but immediately shows in which stage the token is. That aside the information given is less than the other bots, there are no token limitations available. The channel also contains some ads which is fine in terms of a business model but it takes a lot of space.

